The amount of daylight changes rapidly in winter. Up until Christmas the days get shorter, after that spring is on the way and the days get longer. Rovaniemi lies on the Arctic Circle and that means that at least one day a year the sun does not rise above the horizon. This does not mean that the days are pitch black and dark, but that we have a very long period of sunrise followed by a long drawn out sunset. The white snowy landscape also makes things way more bright than expected. For those dark moments we provide headlights for our guests. Our morning tours in December tend to start in the dark and finish with some light. The afternoon tours start when it is still light and finish in the dark.
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This is hard to say, because the last years have been unpredictable. In general everything from just below zero to -35 Celsius is possible. Not on all of our tours, but on most of them we provide you with thermal outerwear, boots and gloves to protect against the cold. You can read through the “Clothing & Accessories” section below for more information.
We can start our tours with sleds when we have enough snow on our trails, and all the wet areas are frozen. This is often in the first week of December, but can also be as early as mid November.
Although we can drive dogs ourselves under quite difficult conditions, we need very forgiving snow situations before we are able to safely take guests on the trail. Therefore, even if it looks like there is a lot of snow, please be aware that your tour might take place on carts in the early winter period.
Even without the snow there is plenty to be experienced! In summertime we offer educational kennel visits to take a peek into the daily life of the huskies and mushers. In autumn before the snow comes, we can teach you to drive smaller carts that have wheels, the huskies eagerly pull! Almost all year round we offer experiences with the huskies which vary according to the time of the year. Please don’t hesitate to contact us with questions about what to do in summer or autumn while visiting Rovaniemi!
In general the chances of seeing the Northern lights during the daily tours are very, very small, as we are not out late enough to see them. It might be possible to see them during those tours that take place later in the afternoon. Please note that being able to see the Northern Lights is dependent on the weather conditions, such as cloud cover, temperature, solar wind activity and the location.


Please note that for our Running with the Pack tour and our Santa’s Husky Rides we do not provide any clothing.
For all of the other tours, we do provide you with extra clothing. Driving dogs can be a cold activity and experienced mushers are masters in cold weather dressing. Through years of experience they have developed often very personal ways of staying warm. Each person is different in how they stay warm so we provide you with thermal outer clothes that will help keep you warm based on our experience. Also take into consideration the period of time you will spend outside during the safari.
We provide you with:
- A complimentary thermal tube scarf (very cool with our logo)
- A thermal outer overall
- Woollen socks
- Winter boots with thermal liner
- Winter mittens
- Winter hat
It greatly enhances your experience if you dress correctly! So, our tips are very simple:
- Wear wool or artificial fibres on the skin, no cotton! Be especially careful of cotton socks as they will be cold, wet and spoil your experience
- Layer up, but not too tightly
- Wear tight thermals and on top of that wool or fleece clothes
- Thin finger gloves and wool socks are a worthwhile investment for any trip to Lapland, but remember no cotton
- A pair of winter trousers and jacket can be worn under the overalls when it is very cold outside
We do not provide snow goggles during our tours as we do not recommend using them. Personally we prefer to have our vision unimpaired. Goggles tend to fog up, limit visibility and cause unnecessary driving accidents with inexperienced dog drivers. If you really do want to use goggles please bring your own.
We all know that kids get cold and if they are not having fun, you as the parents will probably not be having fun either. We can give you first hand tips that will make your experience all the more enjoyable and hopefully keep the kids very warm.
- Dress the kids for the coldest you can imagine, and then a bit more; Children sit in the sleds without movement and it can get cold when sitting for an hour or more
- Layer up, but don’t wear all the layers during the transfer; the kids will get hot, sweaty and agitated, you can take shoes off in the taxi to prevent sweaty, wet feet.
- No cotton, wear thin thermal gloves and socks, take spare dry socks also with you
- Recommended not to let the kids play in the snow before the tour as they get wet and cold before the tour begins
- When dressing the kids at our kennel, first put on the thermal gloves, hats and tube-scarf and then the overall; keep mittens tucked into the overall and the overall covering the top of the boots
- Keep all the clothes very large, we recommend that boots be at least 2 sizes too big
- The most common mistake is to have tight boots with 2 pairs of cotton socks since you will most likely get very cold with that combination
- Disposable chemical hand-warmers are recommended, but leave enough room in the boots and gloves to use them
Pregnant women are not at greater risk of an accident or harm than other participants in the tour. It is recommended that pregnant women join our tours as passengers and preferably in the guide sled. However, we recommend careful consideration if you wish to join a cart or sled driving part of the tour when on the 1st or 3rd trimester. You can send us an email if you wish to have more information and it’s also useful to note this in the booking in advance. If the program requires special organisation (e.g. additional transport), Bearhill Husky shall not be responsible for the possible extra costs.
This depends on which tour you are interested in. Some of our tours are great for children and infants, but others not so much. Please check the description of each tour to see if it is suitable for children or infants.
One thing to note for children in general is that you need to dress them very well, as they tend to get cold easier and are more prone to frostbite. For infants we would be wary of travelling below -20 Celsius. If it’s really cold we travel according to the capabilities of our weakest member and might adapt the tour to suit the colder temperatures.
This depends on which tour you are interested in. Please check the description of each tour regarding the seating arrangements.
We also welcome solo travellers to our tours! If you are a person travelling solo, or a group with an uneven amount of adults, we might pair you up with another guest from the group, or ask one of you to join our guide sled. We want to offer the possibility to have one of our tours for as many people as possible within our capacity.
If you wish to not share the sled with another guest from the group, you can contact our sales office for advice and solutions.
Although we appreciate the enthusiasm of young mushers, we do not allow participants under the age of 17 to drive the sleds. Driving a husky sled takes a certain amount of strength but also ability to manoeuvre and think that a young person might still lack.
If someone (even adults) can drive the sled is always in the hands of the guide of the tour, since they are responsible for the safety on the tour. To make the guide’s day that much easier, we’ve set the limit at 17 years of age. If an adult guest does not listen to driving instructions or seems that their abilities to manoeuvre a husky sled have been impaired, our guides have the right to not let them drive, but to organise another way for them to join the tour.


Maybe! Our kennel is remote and sometimes challenging to reach especially in winter by inexperienced winter drivers. In summer and autumn you can check with us first and get good instructions on how to come here. We arrange transfers from and to Rovaniemi and in order to keep the schedules working we prefer you use our transfers. It has happened that we have had to delay our tours; to the detriment of part of our group, to go help lost or stuck drivers. In winter or autumn we do not offer any discounts for driving yourself. You can park near town and hitch a ride with our transfer, it’s faster and less stressful for everyone.
This depends on the tour!
For most of our tours we can pick you up from:
- Hostel Cafe Koti
- Santa Claus Village (Santa Claus Holiday Village reception, Arctic Treehouse Hotel)
- Ounasvaara (Sky Hotel, Chalets)
If you are staying in a private apartment in the Rovaniemi area, you can choose one of the centralised pick up points that would be closest to your accommodation. From that point you will be picked up at the informed time, so please be on time waiting for the driver.
The only exception is our Running with the Pack tour, here we only have three designated pickup locations. We do not offer pickups from anywhere else for this particular tour. The pickup locations for Running with the Pack are:
- Bearhill Husky at the Santa Claus Village – Santa’s Husky Rides
- Hostel Café Koti – Valtakatu 21
- K-Market Sinettä – Sinetänsalmentie 8
For our Santa’s Husky Rides we do not offer any transfers. You will need to reach our location in the Santa Claus Village on your own.
Usually our taxis are minibuses. They will always have a sign with our logo and our company name “Bearhill Husky” in the windshield. Additionally, the driver will have your name and will look for you by name at the pickup location.
Sometimes transfers might run with a few minutes delays due to weather conditions, some customers being late etc. We try to make sure that any delays do not interfere with the program itself.
You are more than welcome to book as a solo traveller. On sled and cart tours we will pair you up with another solo traveller or a participant from the tour. So be prepared to share the sled or cart with another member from the group if you travel solo. However, if you prefer to travel alone we require that you purchase the single driving supplement.
At Bearhill Husky we have what are called “Alaskan Huskies”. They are relatively unknown outside of the sled-dog world. They tend to be more diverse in size, eye colour and shape than their pure-breed cousins the “Siberian Huskies”. Please ask us about them, we are more than willing to “talk dog” and answer all your questions!
The answer is complicated and simple at the same time: Sometimes!
We breed dogs to keep our kennel healthy and that means sometimes no puppies and sometimes 1 or 2 litters per year. These pups tend to be born in the spring time and cannot be considered “puppies” any more by the time the snow falls. We do our best to prevent unwanted and unplanned pregnancies in the kennel by castrating all our non-breeding males.
We are aware that certain kennels time and or plan their litters for display purposes, but we find this a dubious and unethical practice not beneficial to the welfare of the dogs.
If seeing puppies is a priority we recommend that you book with another kennel, as we do not reliably have puppies during the winter season.
We can’t speak for anyone else’s dogs, but most of our dogs are very friendly. We do not mind you interacting with them, in fact we encourage it!
Yep it’s cold in winter! Just as you can expect it to be hot on a beach in Turkey, it is cold in Lapland. When you prepare for it, it’s not that bad at all. If however it gets colder than we think our guests can safely handle we will adapt the tour program accordingly. Very often this means we will shorten the tour or have a warm up break in between. Below -30 Celsius we recommend this only for “diehards”, below -35 Celsius we will cancel the tours as it does not benefit our dogs or our guests to travel then. When it’s that cold we are using all our skills and years of experience to stay warm ourselves, and keep our dogs safe.
It can in fact be really hot during some summer days. When in winter it can get as cold as -30, in summer it can get +30 degrees Celsius!
Our summer program generally includes a short ride with a cart that the huskies eagerly pull. The cart ride is offered only when the temperature is less than +10 degrees Celsius due to the welfare of the dogs. The same goes for the husky cart tours in autumn; if the temperature gets too high, we have to keep in mind the welfare of the dogs and reschedule for example.