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    Bearhill Husky Sales
    Phone: +358 (0)40 7600020

    Social media

    Tripadvisor: BearhillHusky


    Kontiovaaran Husky Oy
    VAT: FI27780166

    Invoicing information (view PDF here – Finnish only):

    Electronic Invoices (verkkolaskutus)
    OVT-tunnus: 003727780166
    Operaattori: Apix Messaging Oy

    Invoicing by email:

    Invoicing by post:
    Kontiovaaran Husky Oy (Apix skannauspalvelu)
    PL 16112
    00021 LASKUTUS

    Kennel address*
    Viiksojantie 192,
    97220 Rovaniemi,
    *Please book with us in advance as we require it. Also notice that winter road conditions could be very challenging and we do not recommend driving your own car to the kennel. Our tours always include transfers which we highly recommend using.

    Arctic Circle Husky Camp address*

    Joulumaantie 2,
    96930 Rovaniemi,
    Santa Claus Village,
    Arctic Circle Finland
    *Please contact us in advance

    Bearhill Husky (Kontiovaaran Husky Oy) is committed to the continued improvement of our facilities to better care for our dogs and to be able to provide greater experiences for our customers. As part of the co-funded effort with the European Union, we are creating new dogsledding trails and constructing improved facilities to enhance our abilities to cater to the needs of our dogs and ensure a better customer service experience for each of our guests.