2024-25 Product Offerings & Price Guide

Bearhill Husky 2024-25 Product offerings & price guide Dedicated to providing the best dog sledding tours in Lapland, Bearhill Husky is proud to present our catalog of products for the 2024-25 season. Please click the button or image below to download the full PDF. Your name Your email Subject Your message (optional) This form is…

Contact information

Your name Your email Subject Your message (optional) This form is protected with Google RECAPTCHA: Privacy Policy and Terms of Service. CONTACT US Bearhill Husky Sales Phone: +358 (0)40 7600020 Email: booking@bearhillhusky.com Social media Facebook: www.facebook.com/Bearhillhusky Instagram: www.instagram.com/bearhillhusky Tripadvisor: BearhillHusky Company Kontiovaaran Husky Oy VAT: FI27780166 OVT-tunnus: 003727780166 Operaattori: Apix Messaging Oy Kennel address* Viiksojantie 192, 97220 Rovaniemi, Finland *Please…

Responsible tourism

RESPONSIBLE TOURISMGlobal environmental destruction is getting worse. It is no longer possible to sit on the sidelines and spectate. Our winters are disrupted, the arctic is warming faster than expected and our politicians are moving too slow! Recently having moved to our new location we decided to do our part, and focus on building a…

Frequently asked questions

BEARHILL HUSKY FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS Have a question that you need answered? Just click on one of the sections below to find the answer. WEATHER IN LAPLANDHow many hours of daylight in winter? The amount of daylight changes rapidly in winter. Up until Christmas the days get shorter, after that spring is on the way…